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Thank you for sharing these assets. I used many of them in a free mobile rpg

Playstore :

Appstore :

You should add the license into metadata for the asset packs:

"Edit asset pack->Metadata->Release Info->License for assets" It will increase the size of audience that will be able to find your art

Thanks for that type of projects and been free and more important CC0. thanks


This pack is fantastic! After extracting the assets from the .unitypackage, I was able to integrate them in Godot pretty easily. If possible, I’d be great to have versions of the barrels and crates smashed to pieces so the player can break them open. Thanks again!


This pack is really but it would be great if it was fbx so that we can use it anywhere , And how bout adding some levers nd buttons?


Can you provide the .blend or .fbx? That way we'll be able to use it outside unity as well :)

That's a good idea, I'll look at uploading both on the next update I do (which should be some time this week).


Looking HOT homie :D